Prophetic Words from a Child
welded art sculpture
Sara Fontana's father
These words, said by priests around the world during mass for centuries and that I have heard so many times in my life as I knelt at mass. These words that I have often stopped listening to, allowing my mind to wander, because I had heard them before. These words and actions by the priest transubstantiate bread and wine into the body and blood of Christ. The power of words and actions. The power of The Word, Jesus Christ, coming into our lives in a real way.
The child's question should break into my internal, wandering mind as the Eucharist Prayer is being spoken. "What is this?" Once bread and wine; THIS is the real presence of Jesus Christ! I am grateful for the prophetic child's voice crying out during mass reminding me to ask the question, "What is this?" My faith response and my belief...THIS is Manna from heaven. THIS is the real presence of Jesus Christ!
Reflection on Exodus 16:2-15 and John 6:24-25, 51-55
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