
Showing posts from 2023


  The funeral ripped my emotional interior apart. I felt shredded into pieces of different color cloth  all representing mixtures of anger, grief, fear of my own death, deep sadness, extreme loss, emptiness  and other unnamed feelings.  I wept and raged at God for taking this friend.    I was observed by others.  Later a young woman asked, "Do you believe you should cry out all your tears and all your grief at one time and get it over with?" I said, "No." You cry uncontrollably in the beginning. Then you cry at anniversaries and birthdays, holidays and special events. Then you cry when you hear a certain song, smell a certain smell, hear a word that reminds you this person you loved can no longer be seen with human eyes. You cry without apologizing.  You cry for what will never be again in this lifetime.  And    In the midst of          All your tears,               You kee...

BONE OF MY BONE: Where women's strength comes from....

My husband's and my morning routine includes pouring our preferred morning caffeine and then going to our respective morning spaces.  He brings coffee with him to a lounge chair in our bedroom and I bring tea to a lounge chair in the living room.  After about an hour of separate prayer and morning reading we get together to stretch and do light weight lifting while listening to the scripture reading for the day using Laudate app on our Iphones.   Thursday of the Fifth Week in Ordinary Time the first reading was from Genesis 2:18-25.  The day before we had heard in Genesis how God formed man out of the clay of the ground.  This day we heard about how God was concerned: "It is not good for the man to be alone.  I will make a suitable partner for him."  So God formed out of the ground various wild animals and various birds of the air and brought them to the man but none proved to be the suitable partner for the man.  So the Lord God cast a deep ...