SEPTEMBER 11TH A Day of Desperation Desperate hate so deep someone is willing to die for it A hate so deep that someone is willing To take those that he hates and kill them as he dies A desperate hate and conviction so strong That the action of that day changed the world I am overwhelmed at the power that can be wielded When one hates so much I am struck with the immense desperation that must be felt that leads to Desperate hate which causes planning and plotting to Destroy the object of that hatred. I turn to my faith I recall Another Day of Desperation Desperate love so deep someone is willing to die for it A love so deep that someone is willing to take those that He loves and Give them life as He dies A desperate love and conviction so strong That the action of that day changed the world I am in awe at the power that can be wielded When one loves so much I am struck with the immense desperation that leads to Desperate love that causes planning and plotting...