
Showing posts from 2014


SEPTEMBER 11TH A Day of Desperation Desperate hate so deep someone is willing to die for it A hate so deep that someone is willing To take those that he hates and kill them as he dies A desperate hate and conviction so strong That the action of that day changed the world I am overwhelmed at the power that can be wielded When one hates so much I am struck with the immense desperation that must be felt that leads to Desperate hate which causes planning and plotting to Destroy the object of that hatred. I turn to my faith I recall Another Day of Desperation Desperate love so deep someone is willing to die for it A love so deep that someone is willing to take those that He loves and Give them life as He dies A desperate love and conviction so strong That the action of that day changed the world I am in awe at the power that can be wielded When one loves so much I am struck with the immense desperation that leads to Desperate love that causes planning and plotting...


I am your word, Lord! Speak me where you will Amongst the people in the marketplace Let me shout your name. I am your word, Lord! Join me with others That we may write your sentences and paragraphs Which make up modern day scripture A scripture not new, but old, Which speaks of your salvation through the ages. I am your word, Lord! Speak me to my children That they might know You And proclaim their word Which you breathed into them. I am your word, Lord! Speak me boldly, softly, gently, forcefully That all may understand and praise you... THE WORD!

The Word is Calling!

Listen! The Word is calling! Come within the pages of My story. I have written myself throughout history. I have been rejected, glorified, praised. I have sung in joy! Listen! Listen! The Word is calling! I have breathed my words into you. You are part of my salvation. Your story is mingled with those who have spoken for Me. I am present when you reject me, when you glorify and praise me. I am present in your deepest sorrow and in times of forgiveness. I am your joy. I am your hope. Listen! Listen! Listen! The Word is calling! Live your word. A word I breathed into you That you may write the scripture of today. You are part of the plan. Oh, please say YES! Listen! The Word is calling you!

The Joy of the Gospel in Motherhood....

On Memorial Day weekend Francis, myself and our family will be hosting a Family Retreat at Circle Lake Family Retreat Center. The retreat will be centered around Pope Francis' Apostolic Exhortation, The Joy of the Gospel. Prior to the retreat I am sending out e-mail reflections to the families. I'll be posting them here as well. Dear Family Retreatants, Mother's Day is a great day to begin the reflection journey towards our family retreat! Everyone who reads this is either a mother or has a mother! As you read the words of Pope Francis in his Apostolic Exhortation Evangelii Gaudium please reflect on your relation to mother and how that role is a bringer of the joy of the Gospel to others: 1.The joy of the Gospel fills the hearts and lives of all who encounter Jesus. Those who accept his offer of salvation are set free from sin, sorrow, inner emptiness and loneliness. With Christ joy is constantly born anew. In this Exhortation I wish to encourage the Christian faithful ...

You are God's Beloved!

I wanted to share an excerpt from a book Francis & I are reading for our Spiritual Formation for the Deaconate program. The book is called SPIRITUAL DIRECTION: WISDOM FOR THE LONG WALK OF FAITH.  The book is a collection of writings that were put together by 2 of Henri Nouwen's students after he died.  Nouwen is one of my favorite theologians and writers.  Francis & I had the privilege of meeting him many years ago and in person he reflected a strong gentleness and deep peace.  The chapter I was reading from this morning was titled "Who Am I?" The Chapter and the Prayer Exercise at the end assisted me in taking one more step into the reality of who I am. I am a beloved daughter of God.  For me that identity was deepened when I became a mother.  My children are beloved by me, not because of anything they did or do, just because they are. They are my beloved children.     There is nothin...


              So my scripture for 2014 is one of hope. I've listed various translations of this passage below. All of them reflect a powerful prayer for the year that we may abound in hope by the Holy Spirit. There are times when humanly, I despair. I walk in the darkness of disbelief and frustration. I throw up my hands and say, "Really God, this is ridiculous." I especially found myself saying this as we closed out 2013 and opened 2014. Several friends have been diagnosed with various forms and stages of cancer. I, myself, have to go have an MRI at the end of this month to confirm that "worrisome spots"(as the Doctor calls them),found on a recent mammogram,are just spots.            Through the power of the Holy Spirit, my human despair, is replaced with joy and peace. Beyond human understanding my belief in the God of hope provides hope in abundance. God is not a God of scarcity. God is abundant in all that i...